Kolmas pupu valmistui ja on nimeltään Christian. Ei ole Celsius kuten arveltiin. Jatkan ehkä joskus taas, mutta nyt ensin kaikenlaisia keskenolevia töitä. Niistä osa valmistuu, osa jää odottamaan ensi kesän Fufo-tempausta. Tänä kesänä en jotenkin toennut mukaan ja sitä paitsi olen aloittanut niin monta uuttakin työtä -tai ainakin langat odottavat...
The Finnish Red Cross is organizing a campaign on knitting "help bunnies" for charity. The campaign is very similar with the Australian Trauma Teddy campaign. The bunny instructions are only in Finnish. Already many knitters have started their bunnies. The Help Bunny is only for giving and getting - never to be bought or sold.
I have ready now three"help bunnies". Their names are Anselmi, Bror and Chriastian. It´s very easy to remember, how many bunnies I have done. My fellow workers are also very inspired about help bunnies. Look at my last post.They are knitting more bunnies.
2 kommenttia:
Ihana on tämäkin sarjan kolmas... Jään odottamaan loppuja pariakymmentä =)
I think it is a good idea to knit help bunnies. I know for sure that the children who receive such a bunny will hold on to it strongly. :-)
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